gundu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A round stone. A cannon ball or bullet. phirangigundu. A lump. A weight (or stone) for scales. A hill parvatamu. gundugurramu a stallion or stone horse. vendigunduname of a kind of dog. bhairavudu, “katterasampangi, vendigundu” Manu. iv. 42. A polishing stone used by masons in plastering. kasilegundu the iron hoop that forms the lip of a leathern bucket. adj. Round, globular, spherical. gundukottu gundu-kottu. n. To smoke the drug called bhang. gundukovi> gundu-kovi. n. A small cannon, a swivel. petladimma. See gundugilu gundu-gilu. v. n. To move in a circle. cuttupadu. gundugutta gundu-gutta. n. An all-round settlement, i.e., a lease which covers all rights and privileges. samasta svatantyramuto icce gutta, bilmakta. gundukonu or gundugudukonugundu-konu. v. n. To unite, to make one common effort. To surround cuttukonu. “appudandarunu hahakarambulan gundugudukoni savarimpanga.” G. ix. 65. gundumulugadu gundu-mulupu-gadu. The Nightjar or the goatsucker, gunduveyu gundu-veyu. v. n. To fire a gun: to die. gundu vesi kalcu to fire a ball at. gundusudi gundu-sudi. n. A pin. gundrayi gund-rayi. n. A round stone or stone pestle.gundladanda or gundlaperu gundla-danda. n. A necklace of beads.