jnanamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. Wisdom, knowledge. telivi. Higher knowledge. Theology. moksavisayamaina buddhi. Philosophy. In some compounds it may be rendered supernatural.jnanakandamu gnyana-kandamu. n. The doctrinal portion of the Vedas which contains the esoteric teaching relating to the spiritual knowleldge. The doctrine of Faith as opposed to that of Works.jnanadrsti gnyana-drshti. n. Spiritual vision, supernatural intelligence, the prophetic eye: second sight. Clairvoyance. jnananidra gnyana-nidra. n. A deep unnatural sleep, such as occurs in Mesmerism. Ecstasy. A metaphysical delirium which suspends the senses. yoganidra. jnanamargamu gnyana-margamu. n. The path of wisdom; the doctrine that salvation is to be obtained by means of meditation on, and the consequent union with the Supreme Spirit. jnanasariramu gnyana-sariramu. n. The spiritual body: as distinguished from the corporeal body. (sthulasariramu, or mayasariramu.) jnanasvarupamugynana-svarupamu. n. The spiritual form or image, invisible to the mortal eye. jnani gnyani. n. One who possesses wisdom, a philosopher, a sage, a prophet, an inspired teacher. jnanamugalavadu.jnanendriyamu gnyanendriyamu. n. An organ of perception. A supernatural sense, such as the power of perceiving spirits. See Tantra Rajam. XVII. 4. jnanendriyamulu senses of perception or knowledge as opposed to karmendriyamulu senses of action. The five senses of man as tvakku Touch, caksuvu Sight, srotramu Hearing, jihva Taste and ghranamu Smell.