kala meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A degree, or sub-division. bhagamu. That which proceeds by degrees, as effect, virtue, potency, influence, inclination. A ray or light. Look or appearance. A phase of the moon, of which the Hindus reckon sixteen. The degree in which one night’s moon-light differs from that of the next. muppadi kasthalakalamu. candrunilo padunarava bhagamu. In Telugu Grammar, a word that does not end with an N sound. A note, as being a subdivision of music. The nerves or ticklish parts of the body. dipamuyokka kala the brightness of lamp. atani mukha kalahis air, the effect of his features. piccikala a look of madness. krurakala an angry look. nidrakala drowsiness. kalasthanamulu the nerves. “kalalu cemmagilan.” (T. ii. 82.) her heart melted: it touched her to the quick. i gadpukalalanannitini pilcucunnadi this burning wind exhausts the spirits dehakalavyatyayamu a morbid affection: an injured constituion. danikala bahu baga unnadi She has a very pretty air. peddadayyetappatiki kalavaccinadi She is growing very pretty. kala [Tel.] n. A swoon. murcha. A twig cemma.