kalasamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A vase, flagon, or water pot: kunda. the gilt ornament on the pinnacle of a pagoda or tower. In palmistry, kalasarekhalu certain lines in the palm of the hand. A. v. 31. kalasamunilupu or kalasamupettu or kalasasthapanamuceyu the preliminary rite of solemnly placing a vase. kalasapuja the adoration paid to that vessel, being the principal rite in all religious celebrations. kalasabdhi kalas-abdhi n. The ocean of milk. kalasabdhija the goddess Lakshmi. kalasi kalasi. n. A pot. kunda. kalasisutudu or kalasisambhavudu The “Vase-born” An epithet or Agastya, who was born, like Orion, in a pot. A. v. 107.