kalpamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. An age. A religious rule. A code or description of religious rites. A legend or pious tale. Thus; varalaksmivratakalpamu the legend or book regarding this observance brahmakalpamu an age of Brahma equal to many millions of years. A series of publications as of a journal; as prathamakalpamu first series, dvitiyakalpamu second series, &c. adj. That which equivalent to or that which is almost the same as. samanamainadi. A word (like ish, in blackish, whitish) denoting similarity. dvipakalpamu a peninsula. karakalpamu like a hand.tatitkalpamaina resembling lighting kalpantamu kalp-antamu. n. The destruction of the world. The end of time. pralayamu. A Brahma’s day. brahmadinamukalpudu kalputn. One who is similar to, or equal to. vidvatkalpudu almost a scholar. agnikalpudu he who is similar (in excellence) to the god of fire. M. XIII. ii. 332.