kalu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A leg, a foot, a claw, a talon. mokalu the knee. migalu the upper surface of the foot. A pillar. nurukallamantapamu a portico built on 100 pillars. A quarter or fourth part. mukkalu being three legs, or quarters. Bilh. ii. 154. kallakada at the feet. kallajerri a centipede. kampakalu a fence: lit. a fence-foot. kalidonka (A. vi. 16) a foot path. kalutravvu to paw the ground, to be eager for fighting. M. XII. ii. 301. A. v. 87. sannaddhudagu. na koduku pendlanni biddalanu nakallagattipoyinadu my son died and left a widow and children on my hands. mudukalla musali (P. i. 322.) a three legged old woman, because leaning on a staff.

te “marudusaingara vidhulelarparacitanadu peranovakapetakatti samptititora nalanuncina kalukambalananga kalikiyurulu celugu pai kanci meraya.” Bilh. ii. 154.