kaya meaning in english

[Tel. from kacu.] n. 1. A green unripe fruit. aratikayalu green plantains. 2. A nut, berry, pod, bulb, knob, head. 3. Anything round, as the head (talakaya) the bob of a plummet: a boss or round piece. 4. The word is used for a thing or article: as a piece at chess tuntakaya a wicked thing or creature. 5. A pimple: a wart. tavvadamuceta vadicetulu kayalukacinavi his hands are callous or hard with digging: he has a wart on his hand. 7. A bottle. rendu kayalanu okade tisukonnadu he alone drank two bottles. 8. As an affix it often leaves the sense unaltered: thus tala or talakaya the head. pilla or pillakaya a child. gontu or gontukayathe throat. puste or pustekaya a marriage token worn on the neck mottu or mottikaya a blow or knock. endrakaya a crab. cempakaya a slap on the cheek. Some fruits are called kaya even though ripe, thus (from tenkishell) tenkaya a cocoanut. mirapakaya a chillie. ullikaya an onion. kuragayalu or kayaguralu vegetables. kayadhanyamulu kaya-dhanyamulu. n. Pulse: all sorts of grain contained in pods: as pesalu, kandulu, senagalu, &c.