[Skt.] n. An earring. cevipogu, kundali kundali. n. One who has earrings. pogulu galavadu. A snake or serpent pamu. A mystic phrase for the spinal marrow. A circular dance.kundalakaranrtyamu. (bhara. vira. i.) kundalisthanamu or kundalini or kundalisakti the pineal gland. sughamna (Vasu. Pref. 71.) Heyne says, a name of the tella uppidi cettu. kundalinadi. kundalincukundal-intsu. v. t. To put or mark a cipher round anything sunnacuttu. (candra. i.) kundali karanamu kundali-karanamu. n. To cancel by drawing a circle round an erroneous line. Giving or making a cipher sunnacuttuta.