mallika meaning in english

[Skt.] n. The Jasmine plant. mallecettu, mallepuvvu. navamallika the double jasmine, virajaji. Rox. 1. 95. mallikaksamu mallikakshamu. n. A kind of heron or swan with dark legs and light eyes. Ananda. ix. 59. malinacaranacancusvetamalasamu. A white eyed horse, svetanetrasvamu. malle or malliya malle. [Tel.] n. The Jasmine plant. mallepulu jasmine blossoms. adavimalle Jasminum augustifolium, a shrub which grows to the height of ten feet. olandamalle the tuberose jasmine.bondumalle or boddumalle a variety with luxuriant flowers. nagamalle a plant, Austicia grandiflorum, prickly pear. etimalle a water creeper, Persicaria mddraspatana: Rox. ii. 287. Other kinds are called kumpatimalle, pedamalle, sudimalle. mallelagudi malle-lagudi. n. A name given to a beautiful dog. mallepurugu malle-purugu. n. A parasitic worm that is generated in the flesh of cattle. mallelu mallelu. n. Jasmine flowers. Also, pustules produced in the pox. malletevulu the disease called Cancer “visamulayyenubercina bisamulanni mallelayyenu jigibondumallelunca.” Ila. iii. 93. malle malle. [Tel.] n. A twig. cuvva. mallejanguru or mallejeguru malle-janguru. n. A heron.lohaprsthamu, rapulugu.