manamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A measure of any kind, kolata, pramanamu. Pride, arrogance, or indignation, cittannatyamu, garvamu. Civility, honor. gauravamu, Self respect, a sense of honor or dignity. modesty. The pudenda. stri purusula yokka marugaina avayavamu. A system or method. sauramanamu the solar system of astronomy. barhanpatyamanamuthe system described by brhaspati. “ratna katakajhananjhana sphurtitalamanamulukolupa.” Swa. ii. 31. ti talamanamulu, talapramanamulu. kalamanamu the state of the weather, the nature of the season. atanimanamutisiri they disgraced or exposed him. manamupoyina tarvata pranamenduku what is the good of living after losing one’s “character?” manadhanuluthose whose good name is their wealth. manahinulu those who are devoid of character or of self respect. manana Same as mannana (q. v.) mananiyamu mana-niyamu. adj. Venerable, honourable, pujyamaina, mannimpadagina. manabhangamu mana-bhangamu. n. Disgrace, dishonor, avamanamu. manavati mana-vati. n. A modest woman, manamugala adudi.manasthanamu mana-sthanamu. n. The pudendum muliebre. marmasthalamu. manasthudu mana-sthudu. n. A man of respectability or character. maryada galamanisi. mani mani. adj. Respectable. manasthudaina.