[Skt.] adj. Composed of, made of, formed of, full of. This is an affix denoting quality or substance. jalamayamaina aqueous, watery.agnimayamaina fiery. ratnamayamaina jewelled, set with gems. trayi the Vedas; trayimayamaina scriptural. trnamayasarpamu a snake made of grass. cinmayudainaspiritual, formed of spirit. tatvamayudaina full of truth. a uru turakalamayamuganunnadi the town swarms with Mussulmans. mayata or mayatvamu mayata. n. Identity, unity, oneness, sameness. tadatmyamu. udakamayatvamonde she was united or mingled with the water. KP. iv. 94. “kanungavalella modciyu ndalapuna mantravarna mayatanganupattina.” Mand. i. 2. ti mantramayatin, mantravarnataratmyamu cetanu.