mincu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. a. To surpass, excel; to transgress. atisayincu, atikramincu. caduvulovarini mincinadu he surpassed them in learning. atadu mundu mincipoyinadu he is already gone on. mincimatladaku do not talk rashly. pani mincipoyinadi it is now too late, the thing is gone by. ceyyimincavaddu do not lay a hand upon him, do not take the law into your own hands. intakuminci yeruganu I know nothing more than this. pedaviki mincinapallu a projecting tooth, i.e., a scapegrace, a disobedient fellow, minciminciyunte, leka, maha unte padirupayilu undavaccunu at the utmost there may be ten rupees. arukalanu minca iccivesinadu he had already paid the money. “uttarambuminci yarigina” M. III. i. 2. when they first went northwards, uttaradiki munduga povunappatiki mincukalu the right leg, kudikalu. n. A kind of ring worn on the second toe, kalicuttu. Excess, adhikyamu. Lightning, merupu. Brightness, prakasamu, mincune it flashed. merupunupondenu, merasenu. “toludoltanudayadri siladakimincuni.” A. i. 43. mincubodi or mincuboni mintsu-bodi. n. A beautiful girl. merupu tigevanticakkanistri. mincudala mintsudala. n. Transgression. atikramanamu. Excess, greatness, adhikyamu.