[Tel.] adj. Maimed, crippled, defective, imperfect. cetulu kallu tegina, angahinamaina. Bare; lopped. Blunt. blunted, mokkapoyina. Stubborn, obstinate, perverse, pertinacious, impertinent, incorrigible, unmanageable, ungovernable, refractory, unruly, murkhamaina. mondimatalu stubborn or rude language. mondipillakaya an obstinate or refractory boy. mondigodalu bare walls. mondigantamu a blunt stylus. mondi ceyi a maimed hand. mondicetulu bare hands, i.e., hands without any ornament.monditoka a docked tail. mondimeda a bare neck, i.e., without any necklace. vanidi mondipranamu he is tenacious of life. mondikatte or mondari mondi-katte. n. A stubborn wretch. murkhudu. mondiceyi, mondadu or mondataladu mondi-cheyu. v. n. To be unruly; to oppose. a gurramu mondicestunnadi the horse is stubborn. monditanamu mondi-tanamu. n. Stubbornness, obstinacy. murkhatvamu. mondiparina mondi-parina. adj. Callous. kayakacina. mondipurugu mondi-purugu. n. The ‘stumpy’ snake, orAmphisb&oe;na, which looks as if the tail was lopped off. mondu Another form of mondi. mondemu or mondiyamu mondemu. n. A stump. The trunk of a body after the head is lopped off. sirassuleni sariramu, kajandhamu. A fragment, a limb lopped off, a separated member, khandamu. mondepugamu mondepu-gamu. n. An epithet of Rahu. rahuvu.