mota meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A water pump, a water wheel for drawing water from wells to irrigate the fields. motatolu to drive the bullocks that draw up water with amota. kapilamotabana the large bucket in which the water is drawn up from a well.mota [from Skt. mudha.] adj. Dull, stupid, simple. mudhamaina, moddu. motakattimota-katti. n. A hunting knife, a cutlass. muccukatti. sva. iv. motaparu mota-paru. n. The slope at a well down which the cattle run while drawing water. motabarimota-bari. n. A pack bullock, baruvumoyueddu. motatiredlu or motapatiredlu motati-redlu. n. plu. The name of a subdivision among the Kapus (a class of farmers.)redlalo bhedamu.