mulamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A root, veru. Origin, commencement, beginning. modalu. Capital, principal, sancimodalu. A text, as opposed to its commentary. i kalahamunaku mulamevaru who was the beginning of this quarrel? adi samula nasanamainadi it is ruined, root and branch. rsimulamu nadimulamu vicarimparadu you must not inquire into the origin of a Rishi of a river. a sangatini amulagramuga vicarincinanu I examined it throughly. Means, an instrument. In Algebra, the root of quantity. adj. Radical, main, principal, primeval. pradhanamaina. mula vigrahamu the chief image in a temple. mulakamu mulakamu. n. The horse radish. mullangi. muladumpa the principal root. mulamuga mulamu-ga. adv. Through, by means of, dvara. muladhanamu mula-dhanamu. n. Capital, principal, stock. modatirukalu. mula bandhanamumula-bandhamu. n. A foundation. punadi. mulabhutamu mula-vitamu. adj. Original. pradhanamaina. mulabhutudu mula-bhutudu. n. One who is the origin.pradhanudu. mulamattu or mulamuttu mula-muttu. adv. Entirely. amulamuga. mulavyadhi or mulasanka mula-vyadhi. n. The disease called piles. raktamulamubleeding piles, h&ae;morrhoids. Ainslie. mulasthanamu mula-sthanamu. n. The shrine in a temple. mulavigrahamu undu sthalamu. muladharamu mul-adharamu. n. The basis or source. The bottom. The chief support. The Sacrum. The coccyx.