munta meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A lota or small water pot. cembu. A wooden bowl, a small pot or cup. A varying measure of gram, commonly two seers. callakuvacci muntadacaganela why do you conceal the pot having come for buttermilk? i.e., why conceal your real intention? muntapogapettu to burn chillies, &c., in a pot and apply it to the face as a torture, kalci muntalo vesina mirapakayala poganu mutiki kattu. muntagajjanamu munta-gaj-janamu. n. A certain shrub called Echites frutescens. sahadevi. muntamamidi munta-mamidi. n. The Cashew nut tree. Anacardium occidentoie, agrabijamu. muntamamidi pappu Cashew nuts.