[Tel. from nadumu.] adj. Middle, mid. nadikalamu the idle time of the year, between the ploughings. naditadapa the thick or middle part of a palm branch, tadapa.nadikattu nadi-kattu. (nadimi+kattu.) n. A girdle, waistband. nadireyi, nadikireyi, nadureyi or nadimikollagadu nadi-reyi. n. Midnight. ardharatramu. nadikoppu nadi-koppu. n. The ridge of a pent roof. nadikollagadu or nadimikollagadu nadi-kolla-gadu. n. An interloper. nadinukalu nadi-nukalu. n. Grits, half broken grain, what in America is called hominy. In Madras it is called rolong.ardhatandulamulu. nadinetti or nadunetti nadi-netti. n. The middle of the head, the crown of the head. nadivrelu nadi-vrelu. n. The middle finger. madhyama. nadimikavadi a hammock slung on a pole.nadimikadu a by-stander, a third person. nadugunta nadu-gunta. n. The fontonelle or depression in the centre of the head. talanadimipallamu, brahmarandhramu.