niyogincu meaning in english

[Skt.] v. a. To engage in a task, send about, employ on. appoint to; to command, to order, ajnapincu. niyogyudu ni-yogyudu. n. One who is fit to be appointed or sent.niyogimpadaginavadu, niyojyudu niyojyudu. n. A servant or slave. bhrtyudu, panivadu, niyogamu or niyojanamu niyogamu. n. An order, command, mandate. niyamincadamu, ajna. L. III. 259. niyogi or niyyogi niyogi. n. A minister. mantri. The name of a certain sect of secular Brahmins. The Niyois and the Vyaparis are two classes of secular Brahmins. The Niyogis are in several points different from acaryulu Á’charis. The authors of the Telugu poems are mostly Niyogis. Sanskrit literature being confined to the Vaidikis who are considered their superiors.