nuggu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To be smashed. nalugu. n. A bit, fragment, tunuka. Powder, podi. A cake of cowdung dried for fuel. pidaka. “nuggulakuccelu” piles of such fuel. H. ii. 147.nuggagu or nugguluparu to perish, to be dashed to pieces, to be shivered. nuggulaina broken to pieces. gurramul nuggayye the horses were smashed. nugguceyu nuggu-cheyu. v. a. To break to pieces, to reduce to dust. nuggunuggayi (beaten) to pieces. M. X. i. 171. nuggunucalai or nuggunucaga nuggu-nutsal-ai. adv. In bits. nuggadu to cut to pieces, khandincu.