padma meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A name of Lakshmi. laksmi. padmamu padmamu. n. The lotus or water lily. Nelumbium speciousum. tamara. A large number, ten billions. In Tantrica books it means a part or region of the body. padmanabhudu padma-nanabhudu. n. Vishnu, from whose navel (nabhi) sprung the lotus containing Brahma when he was sent to create the world. padmabandhavudu padma-bandhavudu. n. The Sun. padmaragamu padma-ragamu. n. The chrysolite or ruby of the finest class: a gem of a pink colour called mokkali, udayasuryakantigalakempu. padmavelamalu orpadmanayakulu padma-velamalu. n. Plu. The name of a certain Sudra caste. See velama. padmavyuhamu or padmamu padma-vyuhamu. n. A certain kind of military evolution. padmasalevandlupadma-sale-vandlu. n. A certain caste of weavers. padmakaramu padm-akaramu. n. A place of lilies a pond in which the lotus grows. A tank, kolanu, ceruvu. padmalaya or padmavati padm-alaga. n. The goddess Lakshmi, so named because her dwelling (alayamu) is in the lily (padmamu.) padmasanamu padm-asanamu. n. A sitting posture used in religious meditation in which the Bauddha statues are represented; so called because Vishnu is represented in that posture when throned on a lotus. padmi padmi. n. An elephant. padmini padmini. n. A lovely woman, like a Penclope, or an Eve. The Hindu poets divide all beautiful women into four classes called (1) hastini, (2) sankhini, (3) citrini and (4) padmini; which answer to Juno, Flora, Venus and Minerva, respectively: See Addison’s Spectator No. 209.padmini n. A bed of lilies. padminivallabhudu the Sun, as being the lover (vallabha) of the lotus.