pandi meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A hog. urapandi the domesticated pig. adavipandi the wild hog. a boar. edupandi or mundlapandi a porcupine. nirupandi a porpoise. pandikokku pandi-kokku. [Lit. The pig-rat. The Eng. n. ‘Bandicoot,’ is a corruption of this word.] n. A Bandicoot. The Bandicoot-Rat. Nesocia bandi-cota. (F.B.I.) simapandikokku a guinea pig. A proverb says vadlagadelo pandikokkunu pettinattu, i.e., setting a bandicoot in a granary. cf. Setting the wolf to take care of the sheep. pandigadda pandi-gadda. n. The name of a certain edible root. The pignut. srngatakamu, parikedumpa.pandigoru pandi-goru. n. A boar’s tusk or claw. A weapon used by boar hunters, vetakani sadhanavisesamu. pandijitta or pandipitta pandi-jitta. n. The small White throated Babbler, Dumetia albigularis (F.B.I.) pandipotu or pandite pandi-potu. n. A spear used to hunt boars with. pandimukku, pandimuti or pandipita pandi-mukku. n. A kind of step used in old fashioned carts.gadimodalaina ekkudu bandla civaranu pandimuti vale namarcina okavidhamaina upakaranamu.