pandu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To ripen, phalincu To be accomplished. To be produced (as salt from the ground) to effloresce, to crystallize n. A fruit, a berry. adj. Ripe, mature. vani kalamu pandinadi this is harvest time for him. pandakagu to be red hot. a yinumunu pandakacinadu he made the iron red hot. panta panta. n. Ripening. panduta. Cultivation. krsi. Produce, a crop. pantakapupanta-kapu. n. A husbandman. pantakapulu panta-kapulu. n. Farmers. pantaceruvu a tank for watering rice fields. kallupanta dinamulu the toddy season. palapulapanta my beloved. “ratanampupantala ramani nirvanka.” Vencatach Mah: iii. 203. pantapolamu panta-polamu. n. A cultivated field. pandina polamu. pantamannu panta-mannu. n. Plough, land, good soil. pantavalati, pantaceli, pantapolati or pantatoyyali a poetical phrase for ‘the earth. pantavalantivintidora. n. Cupid, i.e., Lord of the earth born bow, i.e., the bow of sugar cane which grows from the earth: “pantavalantivintidorabariki noruvaleka.” T. iii. 3. pantasala panta-sala. n. A granary, ugranamu, kanajamu. pandabaru panda-baru. v. n. To mellow or begin to ripen. To grow pale, turn white. pandincu pandintsu. v. a. To cause to ripen. pandajeyu. pandukoti an old monkey. pandutaku a ripened leaf. panduvennela lit: ripened moonlight: full moon light, the brilliancy of the full moon. musilipandu an old crone. (opposed to kaya in the sense pillakaya) In shopkeeper’s cant pandu means cintapandu tamarind. There is a bird called vangapandu. mamidipandu a ripe mango. pandu kappa or panducepa pandu-kappa. n. The perch or cock-up fish, of which there are many species. Russell No. 131. pandu minutattamu dried fish.