paramamu meaning in english

[Skt.] adj. Best, supreme, most excellent, principal, chief. utkrstamu, pradhanamu paramaguruvu the supreme teacher. paramapativrata the most virtuous woman.paramapativrata the most virtuous woman. paramapadamu or parampadamu parama-padamu. n. Heaven. moksamu. paramapadincu or parampadincu parama-padintsu. v. n. To depart to bliss, to die, to expire.paramalabdhudu a great miser. paramapavanudu the great purifier, he who wholly sanctifies. paramahaṃsa an ascetic recluse, uttama padamunondina sanyasi. paramayogi an absolute ascetic. “saṃvatsara sataṃvrna mparamayurnirupita.” (B. iii. XI. 12.) one century is the limit of human life. mparamanuvu param-anuvu. n. An atom, the invisible base of all aggregate bodies. suksmamulakante suksmamaina anuvu. paramatma.paramatmudu or paramamu param-atma. n. The Supreme Being, considered as the soul of the universe. parabrahmamu. paramarthamu param-arthamu. n. The great object of summum bonum of life. Bliss, heaven. paramannamu param-annamu. n. Rice pudding, milk boiled with rice and sugar. payasamu. paramesvarudu param-esvarudu. n. The Supreme, Lord One of the names of Siva, sivudu. paramesthi param-eshthi. n. Bramha, the Creator. brahma.