parvamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A knot, a joint in a cane or body. ganupu. A feast or annual festival at a certain division of the year. A name given to certain days in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the 8th and 14th of each half month, panduga. pancaparvamulu the five holidays in a month, i.e., astami, caturdasi, kunuvu, purnima, ravisankranti. pancaparvotsavamu is a feast celebrated in one of these holidays. A sub-division of a book. The Mahabharata is divided into eighteen (Purvamulu) books. netraparvamu a joyful sight, a feast for the eyes. parvasandhi parva-sandhi. n. The time that divides a new or full moon and the next day.