pasupu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. Indian saffron or turmeric. Curcuma longa. Rox. i. 32. haridra. kurapasupu turmeric used as a spice. adavipasupu the wild species. Rox. i. 23. cayapasupu the species used as a yellow dye. nilipasupu another species, Curcuma c&oe;sia, Rox. i. 26. manupusupu (or kusambhala.) Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius. W. pasuputakulu turmeric leaves. pasupadu to use turmeric (by smearing it over the body), that is, to bathe. A. i. 63. and v. 41. endapasapu or pasupenda golden sunshine. anaga nirendaceta galigina pasimi. A. vi. 75. ame pasupukunkuma yennatikini podu lit: She will never lose her turmeric and red paint, i.e., she will never become a window. pasupukunkuma a phrase for pin money, or dower, because it is money given to a bride, nominally to supply her with yellow and red paint for the forehead. pasupu kunkumamupuccukonu to ratify a marriage by accepting these on behalf of the bride. pasupu caya pasupu-tsaya. n. Yellow colour. pasupupitta or pasupumudda n. Lit. The saffron bird. The Baya, or Weaver bird, Ploceus baya. (F.B.I.) gijigadu.