pegu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. An entrail, gut, or bowel. Generally used in the plural: pegulu. pegulu tegetattu parugettinadu he ran so fast as to break his wind. pegulu tegina gurralu a broken winded horse. adi na pegu ganuka na manasu talaledu as it was my own child I could not endure to see this. pegulutega navvinadu he is ready to split his sides with laughter. pegunapattinatita rankling or piercing pain.memandaramu oka pegu we are all sons of the same womb. pegekkuta the wringing of the belly. a biddaku pegupadinadi the child is suffering from spasams. pegutattu or tomu to handle or rub the belly to remove pain. peguzaru pegu-dzaru. v. n. To have rupture or hernia, buddadigu.