pella meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A lump, clod; a chip; a flake; a raw brick. pellagincu or pellagincu pella-gintsu. v. a. To pull out, root out, draw out. To dig up, unbury, unearth, eradicate. a cettunu pellaginci mariyoka cota pettinadu, leka, patinadu he took up the tree and planted it elsewhere. pellagillu or pellagilu pella-gillu. v. n.To come out by the roots. paduudilecu. To run away, paripovu. vadu attavarintinunci pellagilivaccu gatiga nundaledu he seems unlikely to stir from his mother in-law’s house. galivanaku cetlu kunkativellato pellagilinavi the trees were torn up by the roots by the storm. a godagara anta pellagilipoyinadi all the plaster of the wall came off or peeled off.