pencu meaning in english

[Tel. from penu.] v. a. To nourish, support, take care of. To adopt or rear a child, posincu, saku. To increase, improve. To extend or swell. To exaggerate, to multiply.maṃsamu maṃsamunu pencunu flesh meat increases the flesh. kalahamu pencinadu he fomented the quarrel. granthamu uraka pencenu he spun the story (or book) out. gaddamu pencu to grow or wear a beard talapencu to wear one’s hair long, to keep one’s head unshorn. cevulupencu or cevulu kuttincu to bore the ears. Chenn. iii.145. mukkupencu to keep a hole open for a nose-jewel. duhkhamupencu to indulge in grief, duhkhamupondu, duhkhincu. ND. i. 702. rogamunu pencinadu he increased the illness. kathanupencu to exaggerate. See pempu & pempakamu. pencukonu pentsu-konu. v. a. To adopt.dattutisikonu.