pendli meaning in english

[Drav: pen a wife, a woman.] n. Lit: Taking a wife. Marriage. The rite which answers to betrothal between children, the actual marriage being called, sobhanamu. pendli arugu or pellitinne a small hillock upon which the marriage takes place. pendli kuturu or pendlikomarte n. The bride, vadhuvu. A daughter-in-law, kodalu. pendli koduku, or pendlikumarudu n. The bridegroom. A son-in-law, alludu. todipendlikoduku a bridesman. todipendlikuturu a bridesmaid.pendlikuturigadi the bride chamber. pendliceyincu to unite two persons in marriage. pendliceyu to marry a couple. pendlicesikonu to marry, i.e., become a husband or wife.pendlindulu or pelillu n. plu. Marriages, weddings. pendlikundalu pendli-kundalu. n. Painted pots used at marriages, ayireni. pendligummadithe ash gourd used at marriages, budidagummadi. pendlinadaka pendli-nadaka. n. A very slow or tedious walk, as people walk in marriage processions. pendladu, pendliyadu or pendliyagu pendl-adu. v. a. To marry. vivahamucesikonu. To be married, vivahamagu. pendlamu, or pendlamu pendlamu n. A wife.