pranamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. Air, wind, breath, life, vitality, the living soul. gali, hrdayamandali gali, hrdayamandaligali, usuru. In Grammar, a vowel.pranamutonunnavadu one who is yet living. konapranamutonunnadu he is nearly dead. pranamuvidicenu he breathed his last, gave up the ghost. pancapranamulupancha-pranamulu. n. The five vital airs, called pranamu, apanamu, samanamu, udanamu, vyasamu. atadu danimida pranamulu vidustunnadu or vaniki danimida pancapranamulu he loves her very dearly. pranamumidakuvaccepani a most perilous affair. vanipranamu midiki vaccinadi he is in danger of his life. pranamuto pattukoniri they caught him alive. na pranamupoyina itlu ceppuduna I will not say so even if it should cost me my life. vadu pidikita pranamulu pattukoni vaccinadu he arrived half dead. vaniki nerputa pranasankatamavunu it would cost immense labour to teach him. a vigrahamunaku pranapratisthacesinaru literally, they gave life to the image, i.e., they performed the ceremony by which the god is supposed to be lodged in the image. pranatyagamu suicide, atmahatya. pranaturamu or pranasankatamudeadly peril. “pranaturamainaco parinayambulayandunu balkubonku satyatisayambu.” M. III. v. 67. pranapayamu mortal danger. pranavanamu saving the life.pranavasanakalamuna in his last moments. pranahuti the five morsels offered to the five vital principles. pranasnehamu intimate friendship. pranadanamucesinadu he gave them their lives, he spared their lives. na pranamu undemattuku as long as I live. pranagoddamu prana-goddamu. n. The loss of life, death. cavu, pranahani, pranapayamu. “vinunrparajyamisamungonapaluvuraceta pranagoddambaiyunnanu dhirude maraminadi danakunudakkincukonu budhastutyamugan.” M. XII. ii. 208.pranadudu prana-dudu. n. The giver of life, the creator. brahma. prananadhudu or pranesudu prana-nadhudu. n. The lord of (her) life, i.e., a husband or lover,magadu. Yama, yamadharmaraju. pranavayuvu prana-vayuvu. n. Oxygen gas. pranacaramu prana-charamu. See prayopavesamu. pranayamamu prana-yamamu. n. A ritual mode of breathing, while mentally reciting certain prayers, stopping one nostril and inhaling or exhaling with the other: nasikarandhramu lavaddhanunduvayuvunu mantrapurvakamuga nirodhincuta. A. iii. 88. prani prani. n. A being, or living creature. jantuvu.