pudami meaning in english

[from Skt. prthivi.] n. The earth, bhumi. pudamiredu or pudamisudu a king, raju. pudamitalupu pudami-talupu. n. Lit: One who bears or carries the earth, an epithet of the Serpent adisesudu. A king, raju. A mountain. parvatamu. pudamipatti pudami-patti. n. Lit: Son of the Earth, an epithet of Mars, angarakudu. pudamiputtu pudami-puttu. n. Lit: ‘Born of the Earth,’ an epithet applied to a tree or to Sita, cettu, bhujamu; sita, bhumija. pudamivelupu pudami-relupu. n. A terrestrial deity, i.e., a Brahmin, brahmanudu, bhudevudu.