pullu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. Grass: foulness in precious stones. gaddi, ratnadula malinyamu. adj. Little, small, alpamu. pullanturayi pull-antu-rayi. n. A sapphire, indranilamu. pullirusu orpulirusu pull-irusu. n. The little wheel over which the bottom rope of a water-lift (kapila) runs to upset the bucket when it reaches the top. pulludi pull-udi. (pullu+udi.) n. Poor land, land productive only at intervals. okanoka saᚃvatsaramu sedyanaku panikivaccunela. pullari pull-arti. (pullu+ari.) n. Tax, a tax on pasture lands. Also, a tax levied on a fishery, or a head-tax on cattle.pullurukupamu pull-uruka-pamu. n. A sort of snake which springs out of grass.