puspamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A flower. puvvu. Menses, strirajassu. puspandhayamu pushpandhagamu. n. A bee. tummeda. puspakamu pushpakamu. n. A chariot, a car, or stately conveyance used by Kubera or Krishna. kuberavimanamu, krsnuniterulalo nokati. puspaketuvu, puspadhanvudu or puspasarudu pushpa-ketuva. n. An epithet of Manmadha. pusphadantamupushpa-dantamu. n. The name of the elephant that is supposed to support the earth at the North-west corner. puspapamu pushpa-pamu. n. A certain snake. resembling the one given in Russell’s serpents. 2. 5. puspa manjari pushpa-manjari n. A bouquet of flowers. pugutti. puspamanjarulu pushpa-manjarulu. n. A sort of grain. A. i. 75. R. i. 111. pusparathamu or pusyarathamu pushparathimu n. A pleasure chariot, a car or carriage for any purpose excepting war. vimanamu, savarirathamu, kridayogyamagu rathamu. puspharasamu pushpa-rasamu. n. The nectar of honey of flowers, pudene. puspalavika pushpa-vantula. n. The ‘Luminaries:’ i.e., the sun and the moon,. surya candrulu. puspavati or puspini pushpa-cati. n. A menstruous woman. rtumati, bhandadumainastri, rajasvala, muttudi. puspavanamu or puspavatika pushpa-vanamu. n. A flower garden. pudota. puspavarsamu or puspavrsti pushpa-varshamu. n. Lit: a shower of flowers, a poetical phrase for the strewing or scattering of flowers on joyful occasions. Colloquially, it means a slight or vernal shower: a mere sprinkling of rain. puspasamayamu pushpa-samayamu. n. Spring, the season of flowers. puspincu pushpintsu. v. n. To flower, to bloom. pucu, vikasincu. puspitamu pushpilamu. adj. Flowered. pucina.