puttu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To be born, produced. To arise, come into existence, (as love, anger, &c.) janmincu. n. Birth, janmamu. adj. Born. tallotodabuttinadi a mother’s sister. (puttinadi andputtinavadu are used where it is uncertain which member of a family is the elder, as the specific Telugu names for these relations denote the precedency or succession of birth.) todabuttinavadu a brother. todabuttinadi a sister. puttudaridramu life-long poverty. puttubhogi one who is rich from his birth. puttumacca a birth-mark. puttuvyadhi a congenital disease, a disease born with one. puttukaputtuka. n. Birth, origin; source. janmamu. puttukallari puttu-kallari. n. A born liar, puttuka modalu abaddhamuladuvadu. puttugattu puttu-gattu. n. The mountain out of which the sun is supposed to be born each morning, udayadri puttugoddu or puttugodralu one who is hopelessly barren. puttugruddi or puttuciku puttu-gruddi. n. One who is born blind. puttuceyuyuvulu puttu-cheyuvulu. n. Ceremonies connected with a birth. jatakarmamu. puttupapa puttu-papa. n. An albino. puttuvu, pa uttugu or puttubadi puttuvu. n. Birth, origin, production, puttuka. tontiputtuvan in a former birth.puttumuga puttu-muga. n. One who is born dumb. puttuvadugu puttu-vadugu. n. One who is a bachelor all his lifetime. puttuverri puttu-verri. n. One who is insane from his birth. puttincuputtintsu. v. a. To create, generate, form, make, raise, fabricate. puttinta putt-inta. (abl. of puttillu.) At home, in her parent’s house. puttinillu, putnillu or puttillu puttin-illu. n. Birth-place, home; mint, fountain-head. vadu durmargamunaku puttillu he is a mass of wickedness.