sankhamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A conch shell, a conch used as a horn. The number called 100 billions. kambavu, nurukharvamulu. daksinavartasankhamu a conch the windings of which turn to the right. sankhacakramulu the conch and the discus, as weapons of Vishnu. sankacakralapogulu round earrings worn by Vaishnavites on which is the form of a conch and of a circle. sankhamandupostetirthamu (a proverb) lit. any water poured in a conch becomes sacred water; that is, all one says is law! I am to take his word for gospel!jitamumuttaledani sankhadhvaniceyucunnadu he is howling for his pay. sankhanakhamu sankha-nakhamu. n. A small or base shell. ksudrasankhamu, nattagulla. A perfume,okavidhamaina parimala dravyamu. sankhapani sankha-pani. n. Lit. the conch bearer, i.e., Vishnu. sankhapalakulu sankha-palakulu. n. plu. A kind of snake. sarpavisesamulu. “bottapembaralunu, sankhapalakulunujatinagulu.” G. viii. 101. sankhini sankhini. n. A woman of a certain type. An apparition, a fairy. strijatibhedamu, stribhutabhedamu.