sraddhamu meaning in english

[Skt. from sraddha.] n. Funeral ceremonies or obsequies, observed at various fixed periods, consisting of offerings with water and fire, to the gods and manes, and gifts and food to the relations present, and assistant Brahmins. pitrkarmamu, pitrarthamuga desakalavidhikrta brahmana bhojanamu. ekoddista sraddhamu a funeral ceremony observed eleven days after a persons’s death. nityasraddhamu daily funeral ceremonies for a year after a person’s death.dharmasraddhamu the funeral ceremony observed every new moon. mahalayasraddhamu a funeral ceremony in the sixth lunar month. sapindasraddhamu or sapindikaranamua funeral ceremony in which the balls of rice offered to the deceased individually and collectively, are blended together. tirthasraddhamu a funeral ceremony celebrated in a holy place. nandisraddhamu an offering made to the manes of deceased ancestors on solemn occasions. hiranyasraddhamu money distributed in charity as an offering to the manes. amasraddhamu uncooked ingredients distributed as above said. annasraddhamu cooked food served out to guests as aforesaid. ghatasraddhamu obsequies performed to a waterjar, which bears the name of a man’s living wife, whom he divorces by breaking the jar. vaniki koncemu hiranya sraddhamucestene gani a pani anukulapadetattu undaledu unless you grease his palm, I think that business will not be settled in our favour. sraddhadevudu sraddha-devudu. n. Yama, the god of death. yamudu.