ardhamu meaning in english

[Skt.] adj. Half; a moiety. sagamu. ardhacandrudu or ardhenduvu the crescent moon, a half moon. arthanarisvarudu the god Siva, in his form of half man and half woman. artharatri midnight. ardhangikaramu half permission, doubtful consent. ardhaksaramu a half letter. (that is) a letter incompletely sounded, ask in prthak prithak. ardhacatasti purblindness.ardhagolamu a hemisphere. ardharathudu a warrior who fights on a car along with another. ardharatrarthadivasamu the equinox. ardhavyasamu half a circle. ardhasanamu half a meal. ardhorukamuarthorukamu. n. A short petticoat. vesyalu sagamutodala…