taramu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. Sequence, following: that which follows. A class, sort. A number or collective body. A generation. A step, grade or remove in genealogy. Practicability, possibility. Difference. Power, ability. mudutarala nundi unnabhumi land which we have held during three generation. tarataramulanundi generation after generation. taramuettina or jeddiyettina borne by two on a pole: so called because one man follows another. ceppatarame is it possible to describe it. adi tarama is it right or possible? adj. Equal samanamu. Possible sakyamu. tarandarudu a classifier, one who superintends the classification of the soils under the Revenue Settlement system. taramidu to compare, try the respective merits. HD. i. 146. [Skt.] n. Crossing. datuta.