tarugu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. a. To be worn away. taggu, ksayincu. To pass away, to be done or finished. gatincu. M. XIV. ii. 139. HD. i. 1982. dovataragaledu the way does not become shorter. enta vrasinagani pani tarigedi ledu however long he wrote, the work does not terminate. hausutarugunu. fortune will cease or depart. kolicinadanne malli koliste tarugunu if you measure grain twice, some of it will be lost. v. a. To cut or sever. To slice or carve, to mince: to wear away. To amputate. Vedanta Ras. iii. 213. n. Wastage. Deficiency, sinking. Brokerage or fees called custom. Tare. Cutting or wearing away. taragari or tarugari n. A broker. taruguberakadu.