[Tel.] v. n. To occur or happen, to break out. kalugu. naku saṃsayamutattinadi a doubt occurred to me. adi namanasuku tattaledu it did not occur to my mind. adi naku nijamanitattaledu it does not strike me as true. v. a. To strike, beat, knock, pat, clap, slap. caracu. To touch. muttu. To do away with. remove, or dispel (as darkness.) kattidebba kedemuto tattinadu he averted the blow. tattiveyu to remove. saritattu to compare with the original, to fill up what was wanting. nillu egadattinavi the water rose to the brink, a oda gattutattinadi the ship ran ashore. tattupunugu carefully selected musk. n. A side, direction. parsvamu. miditattu the top: the upper side. kindi tattu the under side: the bottom. A bank or shore dari. A swelling, an inflammation. Chicken pox tattamma. rajyamu vanitattu cesinadu they delivered the kingdom to him. andaramokatattu digitimi we all went over to one side. a pani tattupadinadi that work is laid aside. the ship got aground. tattutiyu to flute wood, or make a groove. vaniki tattuposinadi he has got the chicken pox. tattukonu tattu-konu. v. n. To go along. dorikinamattuku tattukoni poyenu he ran off with whatever he could get. To pause, delay, take time, hesitate. tattupadu to suffer badhapadu. tatlata tatlata. n. A squabble.