teru meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To become settled or clear (as water.) tetapadu. To be rescued, allayed or relieved. To pass off, as a fainting fit. To escape. To recover, as from illness or danger. terukonu, teppiru. To extend or reach. To shine forth, prasannata nondu. To happen, come to pass, or come forth, kalugu. To rise, as cream or scum. To be finished or over, to reach the end. mugiyu, kadateru, mugincu, jigiteredusommulu glittering jewels. terakayundaga when it was in abeyance. vaniki ollu terakundaga while he was still an invalid. terukonu teru-konu. v. n. To recover (from illness.) to gain strength or become convalescent. svasthatanondu. terugada teru-gada. n. Finishing, ending. mugiyuta. Recovering consciousness telividi. terugadalekka a settled account. tercu or terucu tertsu. v. a. To make clear, clarify. terajeyu. To rectify, to correct. To finish. To cause to rejoice, prasannatanondincu. To relieve, console. To kill campu. teranaru tera-varu. v. n. To become clear. To dawn. “turpu teravaraga.” HK. ii. 34. teri teri. adv. To the end, fully, to the full. tericucu, terajucu, terukonajucu or teriparacucu to look hard, to gaze earnestly, to look steadfastly; to see clearly. teri teri. n. Clarified ghee. kaciterina neyyi.