tiru meaning in english

[A Tamil word for Skt. sri.] adj. Blessed or holy. (This is used in a variety of ways by Vaishnavites.) tirukapu tiru-kapu. n. Adorning the god. devatanalankarincuta. tirukolanu a sacred tank, puskarini. tirucurnamu the sacred powder used to mark the forehead by the Vaishnavites, sricurnamu, tirunamamu, vaisnavabottu. tirumani [mani = mannu] the sacred earth, a kind of white clay used in making the sectarian mark (namamu). tirupaguda a small basket in which the tirumani and other things are kept. tirupati tiru-pati. n. A town, Tripati tirumala. tirumajjinamu tiru-majjanamu. n. The sacred bath given to an idol. devatabhisekamu. tirumannu same as tirumani. tirumaliga tiru-maliga. n. A Vaishnavite’s word for a house (vaisnavaparibhasa yandu) grhamu.