[Tel.] v. a. To draw or take up (water:) to bale. To dig up. kellagincu. To wind up, as thread. nulalupogutisicuttu. kumbhamutodu to place the dinner before the goddess. vaddincu.todikonu, todukonu or todkonu todu-konu. v. a. To bring along with one, to lead; to draw water. vanini ikkadiki todukonira bring him here. v. n. To curdle as milk. perukonu. palu todukonnavi the milk curdled. toditeccu, toduteccu, todteccu or toteccu todi-tetstsu. v. t. To fetch, to go and bring pilucukonivaccu. todincu todintsu. v. a. To have drawn, to cause (water) to be raised. todtera = kuda pilucukoni ravadanaku.