tota meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A garden. totakapu, totamali, totavadu or totidu’ a gardener. totakura tota-kura. n. Greens, garden herbs. The green produce of a garden is divided into akukuralu or totakuraluvegetables, the leaf of which is eaten, such as spinach and cabbage: and kayakuralu of which the pod, fruit, or head is eaten, such as brinjals, cucumbers, &c. koyyatotakura or koyyagura is the phrase for all such plants as sprout after being cut, like camomile: and perugutotakura is the class of herbs which do not send forth shoots after being cut. totakura is also a particular herb, called Braid in French.Amaranthus Tristis, (Rox. iii. 604.) Amaranthus gangeticus, or Amaranthus oleraccus. peddatotakura Amaranthus giganteus. doggalitotakura Amaranthus polygamus. mullatotakura ornalladoggalitotakura the Pricklly Amaranth, Amaranthus spinosus. errakodijuttu totakura or mayurasikhi Celosia cristata (Watts.) sigganaga totakuravantidi modesty grows anew in the heart like a cropped herb. totakuravanti like mere green stuff, i.e., weak, feeble totakuravantipani a mere greenherb business. totakuraginjavantidi small as a mustard seed.