[Skt.] n. A diamond, rava, navaratnamulalo nokaratnamu. Adamant: a thunder-bolt; the weapon of Indra. vajrayudhamu. vajrasunthudu a block head.vajrakitamu vajra-kitamu. n. A worm that bores through hard stone. vajradandamu or vajradandapurugu vajra-dandamu. n. An insect engendered in an ulcer. vranamuloputte purugu. vajradehamu an adamantine frame, a strong constitution, a constitution of flint. vajradehi vajra-dehi. n. A man of iron constitution. vajravirghosamu vajra-nirghoshamu. n. A clap of thunder. pidugucappudu, urumu. vajrapuspamu vajra-pushpamu. n. The blossom of the sesamum. nuvvupuvvu. vajravalli vajra-valli. n. The plant termed Cissus quadrangularis. nalleru. vajrangi or vajrangijodu vajr-angi. n. Admantine armour, vajramayakavacamu. vajri vajri. n. One who has or carries a thunder-bolt.vajrayudhamugalavadu. An epithet of (Indra) as armed with the thunderbolt. indrudu.