[Skt.] n. A class or tribe, a group or set of things, the whole group or body of a number of similar things. sajatiyasamuhamu. A chapter, adhyayamu. bhuvargamu the chapter regarding the earth. kavargamu the class of guttural letters. trivargamu a class of three (objects, as love, duty, and wealth.) apta vargamu a body of friends, a band of allies. tamaposyavargamulo nunnanuganuka as I am one among the number of your dependants. arisadvargamu the six classes of foes to good, i.e., the six passions, kamakrodha lobha mohamadamatsaryamulu, desire, wrath, covetousness, lust, arrogance, and envy. kattuvargamu a dress, or suit of clothes. vargavargi varga-vargi. [Mahr.] n. Exchange, transfer, income, resources. vaccubadi. vargavargiceyu varga-vargi-cheyu. v. a. To change, or exchange. marcu. vargu or varguvu vargu. n. A square number (in arithmetic,) samasankhya. In accounts, it means a ledger. asamivariga vrasinalekka peruvarusaga vrasinalekka. Change of appointment, udyogamulanu marcadamu. vargincu vargintsu. v. a. To classify, class, post, arrange.taragatiga erparacu, varguceyu.