vayuvu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. Air, wind, gali. A rheumatic distemper, rheumatism, vatarogamu. ajirnavayuvu a species of dyspepsia. udaravayuvu flatulency in the stomach.damarakavayuvu difficult and short respiration, asthma. timuruvayuvu paralysis, palsy, deprivation of motion and sensation together, i.e., numbness. paksavayuvu or parsvavayuvuhemiplegia. muddavayuvu dead palsy. mehavayuvu flatulency in the body said to be caused by veneral heat. vayuvunu patte mandu or vataharamainamandu a medicine that dissipates flatulency. vatanadi a flatulent pulse. vatatisaramu a flatulent disease of this kind, diarrh&oe;a. vayanirodhamu the art of stopping the breath. practised with a view to attain length of days. vayastambhanamu. vayupathamu vayu-pathamu. n. The atmosphere. akasamu. vayuvilangamu vayu-vilangamu. n. A medicinal seed, like a pepper corn, put in the mouth of children in order to assist their speech. citratandulamu. vayuvegi vayu-vegi. adj. Swift as the wind. vayusakhudu vayu-sakhu du. n. Lit: the friend of the wind, i.e., fire, agni.