veduru meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The bamboo. potuveduru the male bamboo. pentiveduru the female bamboo. kakiveduru a kind of reed. bonguveduru bongu-veduru. n. The Spring Bamboo of Central, South, and West India. Bambusu arundinacea. (Watts.) vedarukampajitta veduru-kampa-jitta. n. The bird called the Grass Warbler, or Meadow Wren Warbler,Cisticola cursitans. vedurupiccika veduru-pichchika. n. The bird called the Rose Finch, Loxia totta. vedaruppu, or vedarupalu vedur-uppu. n. A medicinal salt exuded from the bamboo called Bamboo manna (watts.) Tabaschir. (Ainslie.) vedurubiyyamu veduru-biyyamu. n. The bamboo seed, freed from the husk. vedurubiyyamu. vedurumiduta veduru-miduta. n. A sort of insect said to bore the bamboo. krimi visesamu. veduruvillu veduru-villu. n. A bow made of the bamboo.