velupu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A god or goddess, devudu, devata. ilolpu a god of this world, i.e., a Brahmin. iluvelpu a patron saint, a genius or household god.veluputannu a goddess. devatastri. T. ii. 106. velupukolanu or veluputeru the heavenly stream, the celestial Ganges, akasaganga; the river Ganges, ganga. velupugana a mythological being, a Gandharva, gandharvudu. velupugiddi or velputavu the mythological cow that grants all wishes, kamadhenuvu. velupucettu the divine tree that grants all wishes, kalpavrksamu, velupu zadadari the divine ascetic or monk. i.e., Narada, naradudu. veluputozja the divine preceptor of Guru, i.e., Brihaspati, nuracaryudu, brhaspati. velupudaya an enemy of the gods, i.e., an Asura. velupubasa the language of the gods, i.e., Sanskrit. velalupubonamu the food of the gods, i.e., Ambrosia, amrtamu. velupumala or velpukonda the hill of the gods, i.e., Mount Meru. velupumanikamu the diamond of the gods, i.e., the philosopher’s stone, a jewel that grants all that may be desired, cintamani. velupuredu or velpudora the lord of the gods, i.e., Indra. velupusani a fortune teller, sodeceppunadi, daivajna. velupugauru the white elephant of the gods, airavatamu. velupulatrova the sky, akasamu. veluputikka heaven, svargamu. velpudalavayi the general of the gods, i.e., Kumaraswami, kumarasvami. velpupedda Brahma, brahmadevudu, surajyesthudu. velpuvezju the physician of the gods, i.e., Dhanvantari,dhanvantari. velpudu velpudu. n. Worship, puja.