[Tel.] n. The fraction called one sixteenth, the sixteenth part of anything. A grain of gold equal in weight to one grain of rice.vadlaginjayettubangaramu. visabadi or visubadi visa-badi. (visamu+badi.) n. Cess or tax, levied on a town and then divided among several persons each of whom pays his share, a certain tax on the profits of a trade. gramamunandu bhagaprakaramukaligina bhusvatantyramu. A ryotwari settlement. A measure of land equal nearly to two acres. visara or visaramu visara. (visara+ara.) n. Want, defect, deficiency, diminution. korata, veliti. visarapadu or visarapovu visara-padu. v. n. To be lacking, or deficient, velitipadu. To fail, be fruitless. vyarthamagu, kincidbhangamagu. “kavikanakacesinapunyapapamul visarapovu.” Dasarathi Satakam.